Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


ISSN: 1451-4117

E-ISSN: 1821-31977
Volume 5 number 16, pages: 53 - 61

Aleksic-Maric Vesna  
University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Economics, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Stojanovic Dusanka 
University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Digital age and new economy surrounding brings changes whom together with complete redefinition of business strategies and business re-engineering, progressive development of information technologies shows a need of closer look at the security and legislative aspects of the e-business. Taking care of managing the security risks, developing the adequate security policy, resolving the security procedures also following the security standards and by using the cryptography as an aspect of protection, are the main conditions of making the transition from the traditional way of business to e-business as well as making it to function in a secure way. Concerning the legal aspect of e-business, it is necessary to understand the relation of e- business and e-governance with clear definition of legislative groundings of e- business process in BiH: laws with whom the e-business process is regulated, legislative regulation of creation and registration of certificate, consumer protection on the Internet as well as protection of privacy. Also it is of great importance to study the legislative procedure of e-business in European Union and E-organisation functioning as an example of implementation to follow on. Although the implementation of new security standards and techniques has given the certain level of security there is no safe way to protect the approach to the financial and private information that are on the Internet in legislative or security way so parallel with progressive development of information technologies, concessnes of problem of security and protection of individual as well as e-business is also developing. This presents one of the greatest problems of modern communication and business development.

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