Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes16-18279
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Volume 16 article 542 pages: 374 - 382

Nadezhda Zhdanova
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia

Sergey Gavrytskov
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia

Anna Ekaterynushkina
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia

Julia Mishukovskaya
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia

Julia Antonenko
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia

The article deals with the possibilities of comprehensive integration as a way to upgrade the profession-al training of designers. The authors see a means of resolving some problems of design education in it. To realize this goal, a prognostic model was developed, linking all the components: the content, methodology of the teacherʼs work, and student activities. This model was built on the basis of data obtained in the process of studying the activities of design practitioners, for which a survey was carried out and an interview was held with each of them. Particular attention was paid to the difficulties experienced by young designers in the first years of their work, as well as experienced professionals, watching their young colleaguesʼ activities. The authors propose to use both “vertical” and “horizontal” integration in the learning process, since each has its own advantages. In this case, the formation of future designersʼ necessary competences is completely ensured, which should be manifested in a holistic and flexible thinking capable of solving design problems of any complexity level. To check the availability of such thinking, a special task was developed in the field of environmental design. Students de-signed the product from construction waste, thereby solving the actual problem of recycling and reuse of old materials. The purpose of this article is the authorsʼ desire to share their accumulated work experience, to give the pedagogical community the opportunity to discuss the results obtained for the further implementation of the integrative approach in the professional training of future designers.

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Work on the introduction of an integrated model for de-signers’ training could only take place with the support of the entire teaching staff at the department and the institute, to which we express our sincere gratitude.

We would also like to thank the Regional Office of the Designers Association of Russia, whose leadership helped implement the survey of practicing designers and organized meetings with them.

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