Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes18-26310
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Volume 18 article 689 pages: 281 - 283

Andrey Pozdnyakov
Southwest State University, Kursk, Russian Federation

Ekaterina Pozdnyakova
Southwest State University, Kursk, Russian Federation

Carlos Marmolej
Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain

An analysis of global trends in the development of education and science shows that a modern university has ceased to be a place for transferring knowledge from a teacher to a student in the form of lectures. Today, the university fulfills the task of forming intelligence in the form of knowledge, innovation, competencies, being at the same time a space for researchers, teachers, and students to meet and work together. This article discusses the main functional components of modern Research and Educational objects. The analysis revealed a common unifying link in the relationship of these blocks. The result of studying domestic and foreign experience in the design and construction of educational centers was the identification of the basic principles of their formation.

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Author thanks the Rector of the Southwest State University, Doctor of Technical Sciences Yemelyanov S.G.

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