Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes14-10450
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Volume 14 article 363 pages: 128-134

Nenad Fric
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia

Dragan Budjevac
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia

Zoran Miskovic
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia

Zlatko Markovic
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia

Jelena Dobric
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia

Usage of zinc-silicate coatings as anti-corrosive protection of friction connections results in reduction of construction time and provides protection from corrosion. Such protection system has a number of advantages in respect to the widely implemented metallization procedure, prevalently in terms of  speed  of  implementation,  required  training  of  the  workforce  and  cost.  In  this  paper  were  presented friction coefficients for different systems of anti-corrosive protection of friction connections, with emphasis on the zinc-silicate coatings and their technical characteristics and implementation methods.

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