Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science

System analysis as the general methodological basis of town-planning designing

DOI: 10.5937/jaes16-16500
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Volume 16 article 501 pages: 79 - 82

Andrey Leonidovich Pozdnyakov
Southwest State University, Faculty of Building and Architecture, Kursk, Russia

Ekaterina Viktorovna Pozdnyakova
Southwest State University, Faculty of Building and Architecture, Kursk, Russia

Marina Mikhaelovana Zvjagintseva
Southwest State University, Faculty of Building and Architecture, Kursk, Russia

Olga Yurevna Barsova
Southwest State University, Faculty of Building and Architecture, Kursk, Russia

Proposals for the organization of the territory, the formation of the territorial structure of the “ecological framework” of regional settlement systems are the most important, but not the only result of the application of urban ecology to regional resettlement. It is also necessary to develop a system of common measures to protect air, water and soil and vegetation cover from the impact on the natural environment of urban agglomerations, individual large cities, large recreational and tourist areas. The system of urban ecological restrictions is of particular importance. In this regard, it is extremely necessary to carry out a complex of research and development projects to establish valid urban environmental restrictions, primarily the level of concentration and location of enterprises in various industries, as well as the growth of cities in various natural areas and economic regions of the country. Urboecological restrictions should be based on the threshold values of enterprise capacity, urban population, freight turnover, intensity of recreational fl ows and loads on the landscape, and regimes of specially protected areas.

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Author thanks the Rector of the Southwest State University, Doctor of Technical Sciences Yemelyanov S.G.

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