Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes16-16097
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Volume 16 article 519 pages: 202 - 207

Panagiotis Kogias
Technological Education Institute of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Kavala, Greece

Marina Negianni
Technological Education Institute of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Kavala, Greece

Jakob Fantidis
Technological Education Institute of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Kavala, Greece

Fotini Kogia
Technological Education Institute of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Kavala, Greece

In this paper we are using the waiting system theory and we make a mathematical analysis, to find the optimal solution for a smart parking system. We apply to the smart parking system the theory of one waiting system with many points of service, and for the compatible parking space. Μore specifically, according to the waiting system theory, we made a count of customers so we can see the number of customers trying to find a parking space. Then we mentioned the customers who arrive in the system either according to a known space or otherwise, at “random” mathematical times. In the “random” times that customers have come to the system, we have been helped by the distribution of Poisson. Thus, we have clearly seen the time of customer service as well as their positions in the system. In the end, we analyzed the models of Poisson distribution where each separately explains the cases of customers in the system and with mathematical equations we arrived at a right outcome. It is necessary to notice that, the following proof is a mathematical example to understand the proper use of a smart parking by using the Waiting system theory and Poisson distribution.

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