Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes0-34688 
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Volume 19 article 896 pages: 1143-1149

Yuri Anatolievich Doroshenko*
Institute of Economics and Management, Department of Strategic Management, Russia

Anatoliy Andreyevich Rudychev
Institute of Economics and Management, Department of Strategic Management, Russia

Viktoriia Nikolayevna Riapukhina
Institute of Economics and Management, Department of Strategic Management, Russia

This article presents the theoretical foundations of the organic modernization and the development tendencies of the main branches of the industry in the economy of Russia. The prospects for the modernization of the industry are assessed by the criteria for the dynamics of the production and exports. According to the theory of Kondratiyev, on the basis of the trends in these indicators, upward and downward waves are identified. In compliance with Faltsman method, the forecast showed the growth and expediency of modernization of grain farming, housing construction complex, and motor-car industry. But it wasn’t revealed the prerequisites for the growth of the petroleum industry and the military and industrial complex. The results of the study represent practical recommendations for the industrial development strategies.

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This study has been conducted according to the state order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (FZWN-2020-0016).

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