ISSN: 1451-4117
E-ISSN: 1821-31977
Volume 1 number 2, pages: 69 - 76
Profitability of production in the process industries depends on applied technological solutions at a very high degree. The most of the technological knowledge used in domestic process industry has been acquired from abroad. This paper emphasizes a need for adequate evaluation of technologies to be acquired or technologies already applied. The study on global “market of technologies” and an assessment of commercially available licenses must be considered as essential for preparation of development project in the field of process industries. Each feasibility study includes value of technology as an integral part of overall investments in fixed assets. However, do we really know the actual cost of technology to be acquired? Lack of that knowledge has caused many omissions during activities on preliminary evaluation of development projects and very usually resulted in overpricing during technology transfer negotiations. However, even worst is the fact no one includes the value of applied technology during valuation of fixed assets in existing process plants. Taking into account an “integral techno-economical evaluation of technological resources” in all estimates of company capital is especially of a great importance nowadays as Serbia went too far in privatization of domestic process industry. This paper also proposes some risk-reduction measures and professional proceedings that could improve level of safety in the activities included in processes of technology acquisition and evaluation.
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