ISSN: 1451-4117
E-ISSN: 1821-31977
Volume 3 number 10, pages: 29 - 34
During technological processes of manufacture of individual Diesel – engine parts appear impurities, such as various metal and other chips, remainings of sticky components due to application of unsuitable cutting and cooling agents, deposits of dust, rests of grains from foundry sand and cores, carbon from the forging process, etc. In order to eliminate all these impurities, a technological procedure is prescribed for washing all engine components, so that during operation the impurities do not get into lubricating system, first of all, as well as into other systems, jeopardizing thereby the foreseen reliability of engines. In this work, a review is given of the basic guidelines of technological procedure of washing of engine components and an analysis of concrete results of measure of impurities, as well as a comparison with allowed values.
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