Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


ISSN: 1451-4117

E-ISSN: 1821-31977
Volume 8 article 188 pages: 215-221

Vasiljevic Rade 
IRC NIC AD, Uzice, Serbia

In this paper, the higher levels of modeling were analyzed, which are in machine design and analysis products one of the most complex and most demanding phase. At this phase, an engineer-designer spent a lot of time in a matching of parts and defining the required constraints. On the one aspect, shortening this time is not achieved by either using today powerful software tools, while, on the other aspect, further increases without the existence of explicit procedures. To optimize the needed time in modeling the higher level of incorporation procedure is proposed in the form of structural diagrams. A software solution Inventor was presented in a systematic way Special emphasis was given to higher levels of modeling. Solving higher-level modeling, using Inventor, illustrated on a concrete example of assembly.

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