DOI: 10.5937/jaes18-22611
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Volume 18 article 654 pages: 15 - 18
As analysis of the results of numerous studies has shown, the raw material for the production of wood fiber material can be chips from wood residue. In the process of producing high-quality wood fiber semi-finished product, high-quality wood chips are subjected to hydrothermal processing and further grinding in disk blade grinding machines in two stages. Significant energy intensity of the process of wood fiber production is caused not only by the grinding of chips in two steps, but also by overcoming the hydrodynamic resistance of the aquatic environment in which grinding is carried out. In order to solve the problem of expanding the raw material base for the production of wood fiber semi-finished product and reduce the energy intensity of the grinding process, research has been carried out on the process of grinding chips from logging residues in an aerodynamic environment in a modernized plank-cross grinder. An analysis of the features of the process of grinding chips in an aerodynamic environment has been performed and an estimate of its effectiveness has been formed. The influence of the main structural and technological parameters of the process of production a wood fiber semi-finished product in an aerodynamic environment on its quality indicators is shown. Statistical-mathematical equations and graphical dependences are obtained that allow predicting the quality indicators of a wood fiber semi-finished product for given structural and technological parameters of the grinding equipment.
The reported study was funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Government of Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Science, to the research project: «Research and modeling of economic development of the forest industry in the region in the context of climatic conditions and resource potential», grant № 18-410-240003, The project «Development and implementation of effective technology for integrated processing of logging residue» was funded by Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Science, The study was supported by a grant from the President of the Russian Federation - for young scientists - candidates of sciences MK-1902.2019.6.
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