DOI: 10.5937/jaes18-24060
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Volume 18 article 663 pages: 92 - 97
The aim of this research is to reveal and determine the sizes of plastically deformed areas in metallic non-magnetic
materials with the eddy current method. The manuscript contains computational studies to assess the feasibility of
using the eddy current method to determine the size of the plastically deformed areas in the metal. The authors developed
a two-dimensional mathematical model of the interaction of the electromagnetic field with the control object.
The model included poly-harmonic field excitation in a locally deformed plate, and the deformation was modeled
in the form of plastically deformed areas under the indents obtained by the ball indentation. The developed model
helped to establish the correlation dependencies and linked the informative parameters of the eddy current method
with the size of the metal’s plastically deformed zone. The authors obtained the calibration curve for copper, the values
of which allowed to determine the factual sizes of the plastically deformed area.
The manuscript is written in “NRU “MPEI” under the
grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the
state support of young Russian scientists - candidate
of sciences (agreement No. 075-15-2019-333 (MK-
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