DOI: 10.5937/jaes18-25912
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 terms and conditions.

Volume 18 article 673 pages: 165 - 172
The article presents the research results of technological parameters of composite material products manufacturing
by the injection transfer molding method using automated tools of preproduction engineering. For the verification of
computer simulation results, experimental studies have been carried out on the injection-molding machine for products
from fibrous polymer composite materials. The conducted comparative analysis of calculated and actual values
of impregnation technological parameters has led us to the conclusion that for the effective application of the modern
software for preproduction engineering of composite products it may be necessary to make a joint correction of the
input data used for the calculation obtained from the preliminary independent experimental research of the complex
of properties for each used component of the composite material. For the joint correction of the input data used for
the calculation and improvement of the efficiency of automation systems for preproduction engineering of composite
products, the concept of the neural simulation tools application for the technological process of composite products
manufacturing by injection molding methods has been proposed. For training and testing of the neural model, experimental
studies of the impregnation of the products with the surface curvature of the second order have been conducted.
The optimization problem was solved by forecasting the front movement of the technical fluid in the volume
of preforms during transfer molding.
Some results of this manuscript were obtained as part of
the work under the Agreement on the provision of subsidies
under date of 13 December 2019 No. 75-15-2019-
1941 (the agreement internal number 05.607.21.0321)
on the topic: “Development of design and technological
solutions for modular pre-fabricated transmission line
towers with integrated systems for continuous digital
monitoring of the condition and thermal stabilization of
the soil to meet the needs of the Arctic regions and the
Far North” with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education
of the Russian Federation. The unique identifier
of the applied research (project) is RFMEFI60719X0321.
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