DOI: 10.5937/jaes0-26386
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY 4.0
Volume 19 article 762 pages: 48 - 56
The mobile robots are devices with great boom given the possibilities that their utilities offer, and to a greater extent,
those freelancers who do not require an operator to perform their functions. In order to consolidate the autonomy it
is necessary to generate a system of planning of ways that allows a viable route and as far as possible optimal. This
study develops a reactive two-dimensional path planning method with neural networks trained under the reinforcement
learning method. The complexity of the scenario between the initial and final point is due to warning and forbidden
obstacle zones, and the experimentation is carried out on different neural network architectures, each one as an
agent of the learning-by-reinforcement algorithm, being these DQN and DDQN types. The best results are obtained
with the DDQN training, reaching the objective in 89% in the validation episodes, although the DQN method shows to
be 15.63% faster in its success cases. This work was carried out within the research group DIGITI of the Universidad
Distrital Francisco José de Caldas.
The current work was developed with the support of
CECAD (High-performance computing center of the Universidad
Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) who provided
the technological platform required to perform the
training and test of the neural networks. The name of the
project is "Plataforma estratosférica de vuelo autónomo
Sabio Caldas". The code of the project is 3307348415.
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