DOI: 10.5937/jaes0-27821
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY 4.0

Volume 19 article 765 pages: 77 - 83
The capacity evaluation models are planning tools that help government agencies to maximize the benefit from
existing railway infrastructure and improve rail transportation operations. These models determine the maximum
number of trains that could operate on a given railway infrastructure, during a specific time interval under operational
conditions. This paper develops analytical models to calculate the railway line capacity using a regression analysis
based on the Egyptian official timetable. The Egyptian railway network consists of 104 links under different operation
conditions (passenger / freight, passenger and freight trains) with mechanical or electrical signals systems running
on single or double tracks. To calculate railway practical capacity, the three equations for each operation conditions
were improved by the combination of the longest block section and passenger and freight speed. These equations
have accepted value of the coefficient of determination and the absolute average error. Finally the maximum capacity
is obtained by the optimum values of effective factors using iteration technique. This optimum values will increased
about 80% of the capacity for Egyptian network lines.
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