DOI: 10.5937/jaes0-29968
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY 4.0
Volume 19 article 808 pages: 415-423
In this research, twelve normal reinforced concrete beams are used with dimensions of 110Χ10Χ20 cm, the compressive
strength for all specimens is 30 MPa. Deformed bars 2Ø12mm with Ø6mm were used for longitudinal reinforcement,
while for transverse reinforcement deformed bars with 5cm, 10cm and 15cm spacing were used. The
specimens were tied by different shapes of CFRP strips (tied, inclined and X-shaped). All specimens were tested with
two points load by a hydraulic machine to determine the modes of failure, maximum load and deflection. Specimens
without CFRP strips were also tested and compared with other specimens. Specimens with the X-shaped strips
shows 70% increment in Pu and decrement in maximum deflection of 39%. The addition of CFRP strips as a tying
material helps in improving the strength and bearing strength of concrete.
I would like to thank Mustansiriyah University-College of
Engineering for facilitating the practical part of this research.
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