DOI: 10.5937/jaes0-28528
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY 4.0

Volume 19 article 811 pages: 439-447
An increasing demand for forest products incites a large number of log transportation operations, which may lead
to negative consequences for the soil and the ecosystem as a whole. This paper is focused on establishing a mathematical
model to estimate the soil deformation and compaction processes under tires of wheeled forest machines
and individual components of the skidding system such as forwarder, limbs, butts, and tops of tree-lengths in high
latitudes, permafrost soil and forests. The method applied is based on simulating the impact processes of elastic tires
and the skidding system on the soil through a mathematical device for the measurement of the compaction parameters
for different types of soil and the size of the shelterbelt. The effectiveness of the proposed models was evaluated
according to experimental results. The influence of the rheological (elastic, viscous, and plastic) properties of soil
were studied. The elasticity of tires and the running speed of forest machines can help to control the performance of
forest machines. This can be done by reducing the pressure exerted on the soil and increasing the number of skidder
passes 1.5-2-fold. Comparative analysis showed that the calculated data differ from the experimental ones by no
more than 10%. The obtained results and the developed model will allow for a qualitative and quantitative assessment
of technological impact on the soil during the projecting maps for logging operations.
The work was carried out within the confines of the scientific
school “Advances in lumber industry and forestry”.
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