DOI: 10.5937/jaes14-10963
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 terms and conditions.
Volume 14 article 390 pages: 361-366
Transmission system
in Serbia, due to its age, inevitably enters the period of active investment project
of reconstruction, adaptation and rehabilitation of the transmission lines.
Today we are faced with the fact that the transmission lines are constructed
more than 60 years ago, and are still in service. The paper discusses the
problems in the implementation of projects of rehabilitation of reinforced
concrete transmission line route. The results of experimental research, load
test of reinforced concrete poles are show. It explains the problems in the management
of investment projects of rehabilitation in these lines. On the bases of analyzed
opportunities and best practices all possible alternative sceneries are given
for reinforced concrete poles of transmission lines in the network. Multidisciplinary
comparison is made for these alternatives and presented the advantages and
disadvantages of each variant. The analysis pointed to solution - application of
steel lattice towers instead of reinforced concrete. Project management of
rehabilitation and reconstruction of the transmission line in the coming period
will be a great deal with which will meet the engineers. However, an even greater
engineering challenge will be deciding on the proper manner and dynamics of
realization of projects for each line.
Bunic, S.,
(2011): Glavni projekat sanacije DV 110 kV br 113/1 Ni. 1 .Nis 2., Beograd
D., (2009): Sanacije, rekonstrukcije i odrzavanje betonskih konstrukcija u
visokogradnji , Gradjevinski fakultet, Beograd
S., (1998): Visekriterijumska optimizacija sistema u gradjevinarstvu,
Gradjevinski fakultet, Beograd
Pravilniku o tehnickim normativima za izgradnju nadzemnih elektroenergetskih
vodova nazivnog napona od 1 do 400kV
Izvestaj sa ispitivanja stuba br IKT 9/11, Institut za ispitivanje materijala
IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standard 60652 - Loading tests
on overhead line structures
Opsta tehnicka dokumentacija, Stubovi visokonaponskih dalekovoda, JP
Elektromre.a Srbije, Beograd