DOI: 10.5937/jaes12-5818
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 terms and conditions.
Volume 12 article 291 pages: 179 - 186
In steel structures,
the I-beams are in many cases exposed to combination of bending moment and bimoment
actions. In the elastic stage of work, material strength check is based on
maximum normal stresses, which for symmetric I-beams are the sum of moment and
bimoment stresses. The maximum stresses are compared with calculated
resistance. In both European codes and Russian standards for design of steel
structures, calculation of members is performed considering the conditions in
which the plastic deformations over the section are allowed. With the
development of plastic strains, bearing capacity of section is higher than in
the elastic stage. The existing normative documents for the design of steel
structures in Russia do not include design coeficient taking into account
development of plastic deformations in warping torsion. The article examines
combined action of bending moment and bimoment on I-beam proiles throughout the
theoretical and numerical solu- tions. Recommendations for checking their
bearing capacity in accordance to Russian standards are given, taking into
account development plastic deformations.
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