DOI: 10.5937/jaes12-4938
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 terms and conditions.
Volume 12 article 293 pages: 197 - 206
Industrial site selection
is one of the basic vital decisions
in the start-up process, expansion
or relocation of businesses of all kinds.
Starting from the meeting criteria
deined in the business
strategy, site selection process begins as recognition of existing or projected need to meet new or growing
market. Recognition of the need of new industrial location
initiate a series of activities directed for looking geographical area and
speciic location. Conquer new territories for business
starts with collecting geopolitical
data, where location is a part of
it. The selection of an industrial site involves
a complex array
of critical factors
involving economic, social,
technical, environmental, political issues, etc. It is obvious that many factors
must be involved in the decision-making
process, which makes
the problem challenging choice in the selection of appropriate tools
to enable concentration data, information and analysis. New trends in information technologies put geo-information technology in the centre
of events in industrial locations science. Geographic In- formation Systems (GIS) provides functionality to capture, store, query, and analyse geographic
information, but that is not enough for multi criteria
analysis and decision
making. Recent development in GIS leads to dramatic improvement in multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) and
decision making. This paper presents
the state of the art in GIS based multi-criteria decision analysis for industrial site selection.
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