Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


ISSN: 1451-4117

E-ISSN: 1821-31977
Volume 3 number 10, pages: 55 - 67

Nikola Korunovic 
University of Nis, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Nis, Serbia

Miroslav Trajanovic 
University of Nis, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Nis, Serbia

Milos Stojkovic 
University of Nis, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Nis, Serbia

Tyre design may be significantly improved, in context of raising the quality of tyres and shortening the design process, if the latest methods for computer aided simulation of its mechanical behaviour are used. This methods make possible that, using virtual prototypes, much more design variations are explored in much shorter time. During those explorations, parameters that indicate mechanical response of tyre (e.g. stiffness or deflection) or its durability are being monitored. This paper presents the results of the analyses that were conducted on finite element tyre models developed by the authors. The aim of the analyses was to simulate the processes of mounting, inflation and vertical loading of the tyre. For this purpose, finite element analysis (FEA) has been used. The authors intend to motivate the extreme usability of such analyses in tyre design process.

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