Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science

ERP - systems, logistics and mechatronics systems for ensuring the smooth construction process

DOI: 10.5937/jaes16-14653
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Volume 16 article 489 pages: 1 - 4

Alexey Grigoryevich Bulgakov
Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia

Georgii Evgenyevich Tokmakov
South-Russian State Polytechnic University, Novocherkassk, Russia

The article considers possible structures to integrate ERP systems at a building enterprise with low - end nformation and mechatronic systems – AMS (automated management systems) and MES which handle technological divisions as well as read necessary information. To achieve the information integrity of the construction process a multiagent control system of information and resource fl ows of industrial divisions together with a mathematical model of the operation is suggested.

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