Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science

Comparative analysis of buckling criteria for engineering structures. multi-degree system

DOI: 10.5937/jaes16-14659
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Volume 16 article 493 pages: 28 - 31

Leonid Yulianovich Stupishin
Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia

Marya Leonidovna Moshkevich
Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia

The criteria of the buckling of engineering structures in terms of the systems with lumped parameters are discussed in the article. The examples of setting buckling problems and their solutions using Timoshenko and Bryan criteria’s, and the criterion of the critical levels of energy are given. The analysis of the compared approaches, their strengths and shortcomings in terms of the multi-degree systems are presented.

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