Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes13-6553
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Volume 13 article 308 pages: 11-18

Sergey Nikolskiy
Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Nikolay Vatin
Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Olga Pertseva
Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

During this research, the theoretical analysis of dependence concrete’s frost resistance of sample and energy, which is emitted by a sample at destruction, was carried out. The offered method includes measurement of residual deformation of a sample after the one cycle of freezing defrosting, measurement of long strength and measurement of short-term strength. Frost resistance of a sample is as the mathematical relation of these energies, and the frost resistance of concrete is calculated as arithmetic mean on samples. The offered method doesn’t demand

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